Browse Items (35 total)

"Plan of the City of Kazan": 1884.

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"Plan of the City of Kazan with its Surroundings": 1887.

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"Plan of the Provincial Capital of Kazan, with its Surroundings": an area map of the city, ca. the 1830s.

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A view of the working waterfront of the Admiralty district, during the spring flood-stage.

"Kazan-Iunusov square and the house of B. K. Apanaev": A scene from about 1900 which linked the two Tatar merchant dynasties that had towered over economic life in Kazan throughout the nineteenth century--the Iunusovs (who had once owned this…

"A old-ritualist church and market on the shore of Lake Kaban in Kazan": A view of the southern shore of Lake Kaban which highlights Kazan's religious diversity. In the background are Orthodox cathedrals. In the middle distance the Haymarket mosque…

"General view of the city of Kazan:" The view from the Kreml at the end of the nineteenth century, looking out over the Kazan women's monastery and the northern part of the city.

"Tatar mosque in Kazan": A view of the Haymarket mosque (now Nuralla mosque), built in the 1840s.

"Gullies preserved from the ancient city of Kazan": this picture from the 1890s, intended to highlight ditches that marked the boundaries of the medieval city, also revealed a side of Kazan less often shown--the crowded and sometimes poverty-stricken…

A view of the Bulak Canal from the late nineteenth century.
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